Shoa Robit is a rapidly growing town approximately 250 km north-east of Addis Ababa. According to the national population and housing census, the population of the town is estimated to be 36,642. Shoa Robit is one of the most vulnerable sites in the Amhara National Regional State. Extreme poverty, a prevalence of HIV/AIDS, and high unemployment, particularly among the youth, are serious problems in the area.

The location of Showa Robin lends itself to a particularly high incidence of HIV/A IDS. The town in on the major highway that runs from Addis Ababa to the northeast part of the country. This has created a high traffic of young job seekers, which in turn, has led to unsafe sexual encounters with residents of the town. The problem is compounded by the high number of bars and illegal drinking establishments in the town.
The high rate of youth unemployment is worsened by the erratic and minimal rainfall in the area. Crops frequently fail due to drought, and when this happens young people leave the area for large urban centers in search of work. This youth migration has intensified the socio-economic crisis in the town.
EDA is currently developing programs in education, child protection, community health and the promotion of sustainable family livlelihoods.